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Leicester Special Collections

Women in Our History: An Introduction (i)


A student conducting an experiment in the Adrian Building, c.1968

Established in 1921 as a memorial to the First World War, Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland University College had humble origins. Higher education was provided for 15 students during the first year, in one building, and with a small number of subjects offered. Nearly 100 years later, University of Leicester couldn’t be further from this description.

How do women fit into this? In our first decade, female students made up the majority of students, whilst in the first academic year, 3 out of 8 members of staff were women. Across the decades, significant achievements have been made in many areas of research, where female researchers have demonstrated their commitment, passion and expertise in their subject. Watershed moments within the University’s history such as our first female professor (1973) or the first black woman President of the Students' Union (1975) all reflect moments of significant cultural change within the University. Where such achievements by individuals may previously have received less attention, this exhibition celebrates their contribution to the University and firmly places their story within our history.

Women in Our History: An Introduction (i)