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EvingtonArboretum 002.jpg
A photo of Shady Lane Arboretum taken in 2011

A photo showing Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signing the Instrument of Surrender on behalf of the Japanese Government, on board of USS Missouri, 2 September 1945

Japanese POWs - Interview with Tom Goode .mp3
Tom Goode recalls the effects of being a prisoner of the Japanese in WW2.

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Norman Stone Shelled in Mountains.mp3
Norman Stone recalls moving into the mountains around Salerno.

Norman Stone landing, shelled.mp3
Norman Stone recalls being shelled when landing at Salerno in WW2

A photo showing British troops and vehicles from 128 Brigade, 46th Division unloading from LST 383 onto the beaches at Salerno, 9 September 1943 (Operation Avalanche).

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A map that shows the plans for Allied Landings at Salerno 9 September 1943

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gas masks_Mrs Tebbutt.mp3
An oral history extract about using gas masks in WW2

Air raid shelters_Mrs Rudkin.mp3
An oral history extract describing using air-raid shelters in WW2.

Eve Holden.mp3
An oral history extract recalling antisemitism in Germany in the 1930s
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