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This image includes page 42-43 of the book.

Includes page 19, 20 and 24. The book concerns 'the ordering of the garden of pleasure'

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Includes plate 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15 from the book. The illustrations are correctly coloured from nature.

This plant is also known as an Adiantum Capillus Veneris

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This plant is also known as a Polypodium calcareum

The page includes some detailed anatomical drawing of roots and pieces of wood

The page includes some detailed anatomical drawing of seeds and roots. This includes some of the fruits and vegetables that we consume today

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This is page 393 of The Flora Danica. It shows an illustration of the genus, Vitis made from an engraved woodcut.

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This is page 97 of The Flora Danica. It shows an illustration of the genus, Orchis made from an engraved woodcut.
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