An oral history interview from Imogen Cox, a learning officer for Leicester Museums. She talksabout how the loans system stopped in the 1990s and how it requires a lot of staff in order to put on. She also argues that it may be better to have no…
A small booklet detailing the loan collections that are available to schools during this time. Talks about the museum wanting to increase the size of their child audience and so has built up ‘portable exhibits’ specifically for the schools to use.…
A small booklet detailing the loan collections that are available to schools during this time. Talks about the museum wanting to increase the size of their child audience and so has built up ‘portable exhibits’ specifically for the schools to use.…
A book on Derbyshire museum service showing materials used within school lessons. Foreword by George Tomlinson MP (Minister for Education). Talks about the aims of the service and how these services are important where it is difficult to take the…
A small booklet with some information on the history of the schools service and its aims and also the history of the National Museum of Wales. Talks about various publications and the help that it gives to schools. Service confined to secondary…
A small booklet with some information on the history of the schools service and its aims and also the history of the National Museum of Wales. Talks about various publications and the help that it gives to schools. Service confined to secondary…
A small booklet with some information on the history of the schools service and its aims and also the history of the National Museum of Wales. Talks about various publications and the help that it gives to schools. Service confined to secondary…