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  • Tags: Leicester

gas masks_Mrs Tebbutt.mp3
An oral history extract about using gas masks in WW2

Eve Holden.mp3
An oral history extract recalling antisemitism in Germany in the 1930s

Germany 1936_Bob Martin.mp3
An extract from an oral history interview with Bob Martin describing Germany in 1936.

Leicester 1930.jpg
A photo of a map of Leicester from 1930. Click on the map and then click again to enlarge it.


An audio clip about working as a midwife at Leicester General Hospital with descriptions of attitudes to abortions and miscarriages.

An audio clip of Mrs Matthews recalling the lack of contraceptive advice in the 1930s.

public health midwives.mp3
An audio clip featuring different speakers talking about maternity provision in Leicester in the 1930s.

G Matthews midwife.mp3
An audio clip of Mrs Matthews recalling her early days as a midwife

Septic fingers.mp3
An audio clip describing the treatment for septic fingers before the introduction of penicillin.

Death and TB.mp3
An audio clip that describes seeing a dead body that had been laid out in a front room.
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