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Beyond Our First Decade
A booklet detailing the birth and the history of the motor museum. Has information on visitor surveys carried out in the museum and general visitor participation and studies in the museum. Details about the collection and how the museum ‘aim to…
Tags: Children, Collections, Conservation, Education, Exhibition, Library, Musuems, Purpose, Technology, Visitors
Beyond Our First Decade
A booklet detailing the birth and the history of the motor museum. Has information on visitor surveys carried out in the museum and general visitor participation and studies in the museum. Details about the collection and how the museum ‘aim to…
Tags: Children, Collections, Conservation, Education, Exhibition, Library, Musuems, Purpose, Technology, Visitors
Beyond Our First Decade
A booklet detailing the birth and the history of the motor museum. Has information on visitor surveys carried out in the museum and general visitor participation and studies in the museum. Details about the collection and how the museum ‘aim to…
Tags: Children, Collections, Conservation, Education, Exhibition, Library, Musuems, Purpose, Technology, Visitors
Beyond Our First Decade
A booklet detailing the birth and the history of the motor museum. Has information on visitor surveys carried out in the museum and general visitor participation and studies in the museum. Details about the collection and how the museum ‘aim to…
Tags: Children, Collections, Conservation, Education, Exhibition, Library, Musuems, Purpose, Technology, Visitors
A handbook for the museum which includes a floor plan, black and white images, and a description of various rooms and the objects that they have in them. Has an introduction with a history of the museum in. Talks about the French connections with the…
Exhibitions Information Sheet
Sheet of paper talking about the Ulster museum and its collection. Discusses the founding of the museum and how it has developed over time. Talks about extending and developing collections and about the various exhibits the museums have. Mainly art…
Brief History of Museums in Bolton leaflet
A leaflet which details the history of museums within Bolton. Talks about Sharple’s museum of curiosities and the development of the early museum. Discusses the bequeathal of Dr. Samuel Taylor Chadwick, and the benefit they got out of that money. …
A Guide to Canterbury Museums
A booklet detailing the various museums within Canterbury including The Royal Museum, The West Gate, The Roman Pavement and the Buffs Museum. There are little sections on the history of the museums and how they were set up. Has general information at…
The Welsh Folk Museum and its Development
A booklet detailing the development of the museum. Says that ’Wales can claim to have been for many years a pioneer British country in fostering the collection of folk material and in folk life research’ and how they have understood the importance of…
Welsh Folk Museum
A leaflet guide for the folk museum with a detail of the different galleries and buildings that are on site. Contains a short history of the museum and a map of the grounds. In the introduction, it talks about the purpose of a folk museum and about…