External Links and Recommended Reading
External Resources
To view the documents within this resource on Content DM click on the links below. The collections are in the History of Museums Collection.
The History of Museum Colleciton
To listen to the full oral histories on Content DM, please click on the links below. The Collections are in the East Midland's Oral History Archive (EMOHA) collection.
Museum History
Alexander, Edward P. and Alexander, Mary, Museums in Motion: An Introduction to the History and Functions of Museums, (plymouth:AltaMira Press, 2008), pp. 1- 19
Prziosi, Donald, ‘Narrativity and the Museological Myths of Nationality’, Museum History Journal, 2:1, pp. 37 – 50
Simmons, John E, ‘Collection Care and Management: History, Theory, and Practice’, in Conal McCarthy, The International Handbooks of Museum Studies: Museum Practice (1st ed), (John Wiley &Sons, Ltd., 2015), pp. 221 – 247
Woodson – Boulton, Amy, ‘Victorian Museums and Victorian Society’, History Compass, 6:1, (2008), pp. 109 – 146
Museums and the Community
Britain Thinks,
Public perceptions of – and attitudes to – the purpose of museums in society: a report prepared by BritainThinks for Museums Association, (2013) < http://www.museumsassociation.org/download?id=954916>
Bernadette Foundation, ‘Whose Cake is it Anyway?’ – Paul Hamlyn Foundation, <http://www.phf.org.uk/reader/whose-cake-anyway/introduction/>
Hendon, Paul, ‘The Festival of Britain and the Voice of the People’, Critical Quarterly 41:4, (1999), pp. 15 - 27
Jarman, E. Kate, ‘Showing Britain to Itself: Changes in Collecting Policy from the Festival of Britain to London 2012’, Journal of the Society of Archivists, 33:1, (2012), pp. 41 – 55
Museums Association, Museums 20/20, <http://www.museumsassociation.org/campaigns/museums2020/about-museums2020>
Museums Association, Museums Change Lives, <http://www.museumsassociation.org/museums-change-lives/25062013-the-vision>
Our Museum, <http://ourmuseum.ning.com/>
Watson, Sheila, ‘Museum Communities in Theory and Practice ‘, in Sheila Watson (Ed), Museum and the Communities (New York: Routledge, 2007), pp. 1-24
A Museum's Purpose
Fleming, David, ‘The Essence of the Museum: Mission, Values and Vision’, Conal McCarthy, The International Handbooks of Museum Studies: Museum Practice (1st ed), (John Wiley &Sons, Ltd., 2015), pp. 3 - 25
Hudson, Kenneth, ‘Attempts to Define ‘Museum’, in David Boswell and Jessica Evans (Eds), Representing the Nation, A Reader: Histories, Heritage and Museums (Oxon: Routledge, 1999) pp. 371 – 380
Museum Education
Reeve, John and Woollard, Vicky, ‘Learning, Education, and Public Programs in Museums and Galleries’, in Conal McCarthy, The International Handbooks of Museum Studies: Museum Practice (1st ed), (John Wiley &Sons, Ltd., 2015), pp. 551 - 575
This collection has so much more that could be explored from not only all over the UK but also across the world. If you would like to view any of the documents featured within the resource ro would like to view the collection to explore the collection, please contact:
Special Collections at the David Wilson Library
Telephone: 0116 252 2056
Email: specialcollections@le.ac.uk
An appointment to view the documents is needed but please do come in and all of the team would be happy to see you!
For more information oral histories, please contact the East Midland's Oral History Archive wehere they have a specific museums collection describing the development and memories of museums in Leicester.
East Midland's Oral History Archive
Telephone: 0116 252 5065
Email: emoha@le.ac.uk
Catalogue: https://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/catalogue.html
The documents from the Literary and Philosophical Society are held at the Leicestershire Record Office. They also hold a fantastic collection more focused on Leicester museums. There is a link to the catalogue below and to view any any documents, you just need to bring ID for a readers card but no appointment is required.
The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Record Office
Address: Long Street
Wigston Magna
LE18 2AH
Telephone: 0116 257 1080
Email: record.office@leics.gov.uk
For more information on the Leicestershire Literary and Philosophical Society please visit their web page: http://www.leicesterlitandphil.org.uk/.