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Leicester Special Collections


University of Leicester: Archives and Special Collections

Acc 2019/21 Five Year Diary of Helga Bejach recording the years 1944-1946.

Acc 2019/21 Letter from Mary Attenborough to Helga and Irene’s Uncle, October 22nd, 1946.

"A Leicester Woman's Diary", Leicester Evening Mail, January 27th 1933, University of Leicester: Archives and Special Collections, Press Cuttings Book June 1920-December 1946. ULA/PCB/2 p.165. 

‘An Arrest was Made in the Cause of Soroptimism’, Leicester Evening Mail, 13th May 1936, accessed ULA/PCB2, p.191

‘Astley Clarke’s Scrapbook on the foundation and early development of University College Leicester; letter of recommendation for F.L. Attenborough from F.F. Potter’. ULA/D2/1 p.78B. 

"Gay Scene at College Ball", Leicester Evening Mail, February 18th 1933, University of Leicester: Archives and Special Collections, Press Cuttings Book June 1920-December 1946. ULA/PCB/2 p.154.

"Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Attenborough photographed at the College House, Leicester University", Leicester Mercury, October 1931, University of Leicester: Archives and Special Collections, Press Cuttings Book June 1920-December 1946. ULA/PCB/2 p.143.

‘Mrs Attenborough Killed in Crash’, Leicester Mercury, 13th July 1961, accessed ULA/PCB10, p.71

Obituary of Mary Attenborough, Leicester Evening Mail, 13th July 1961, accessed ULA/PCB10, p.70

"Recital, 1937", Leicester Evening Mail, February 6th 1937, Univeristy of Leicester: Archives and Special Collections. ULA/FG9/2/36.

“Students’ First Dance: Happy Social Event in Leicester”, Leicester Mercury, February 18th 1933, University of Leicester: Archives and Special Collections,  Press Cuttings Book June 1920-December 1946.  ULA/PCB/2 p.154.

"University College: Guests Received by Sir J. North at Annual Dance", Leicester Mercury, January 27th 1934, University of Leicester: Archives and Special Collections, Press Cuttings Book June 1920-December 1946. ULA/PCB/2 p.164.

‘Values of University to Industry’, Leicester Evening Mail, May 28th, 1936, accessed ULA/PCB 2, p.193

Secondary Sources

‘A History of Women’s Education in the UK’, Oxford Royale University, Available at: <>, [accessed 8 Septemember 2020]

An Edwardian Autograph Album, Available at: (Accessed: 8 September 2020)

Attenborough, Richard, and Diana Hawkins, Entirely Up to You, Darling (Hutchison: Great Britain, 2008), p.99

‘Children in Leicester’, International Brigade Memorial Trust, Issue 10, February 2005, pp.3-6

Frederick L Attenborough 1939-46, Available at:  (Accessed: 27 August 2020).

Funeral programme for the Lord Attenborough, Westminster Abbey, 2015, Available at :<> [accessed 8 September 2020]

Graduates List, Available at: (Accessed: 8 September 2020)

Graham, John, Before My Time: The Story of the Leicester Drama Society (Leicester: Leicester Drama Society, 1983).

Graves, Richard, 'From Berlin to New York via Leicester: The Long Journey of the Attenboroughs' 'Adopted Sisters' (Part 2)', Leicestershire Historian (2015), pp.36-42 (p.38).

Graves, Richard, ‘Leicester’s Refuge for Basque Children from the Spanish Civil War (Part 1)’, Leicestershire Historian, no.52 (2016), pp.3-10.

'Kindertransport and KTA History' Kindertransport Association, <>, [last accessed 4 Septemember 2020]

Leicester Drama Society and The Little Theatre, The Attenborough Season: September 2013 to July 2014, c.2014 <> [accessed 31 July 2020], p.4.

Leicester Mercury, 3rd August 1938 & Richard Brooks, The Sunday Times, November 30, 2008.

Long Eaton Grammar School Jubilee Book, Available at: [accessed 8 September 2020].

Mary Attenborough (B.1896-D.1961), Available at: (Accessed: 25 August 2020).

‘Our Vision & Mission’, Soroptimist International: Great Britain & Ireland, <>

Royal Opera House, Ninette de Valois, 2020 <> [accessed 24 August 2020].

Story of Leicester, The Little Theatre, 2020 <>[accessed 3 August 2020].

The Hundred of Sawley (Long Eaton School Annual No 2 1913), Available at: (Accessed: 8 September 2020)

University of Leicester, Sir David Attenborough – Memories of the University of Leicester [YouTube], 2016, Available at: (Accessed: 15 August 2020).
