Sylvia Dowling's Student Activism and Charity Participation


Sylvia Dowling's Student Activism and Charity Participation




The following are the special events that Sylvia documented in which she participated in student activist and charity events

Collection Items

Sylvia Letter Explaining RAG Day
This is the actual letter written by Sylvia describing her experience with RAG Day

RAG Day and Lucifer
Photograph of Sylvia (on the right) and her friend dressed up for RAG Day

RAG Day Floats on London Road, 1957
Black and white photograph RAG day floats going through Leicester town centre by Leicester Station on London Road.

Sylvia's Student Activism and the Hungarian Revolt
This is an artistic rendition of what this student relief campaign at the university may have looked like. The result would have been a simple, yet powerful symbol of solidarity and support from the student body at the University of Leicester to the…
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