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Leicester Special Collections

Art comes from within you


Vignette of the lion stretching from: Ann and Reg Cartwright, The Proud and Fearless Lion, (Hutchinson, 1986), p. 11, SCM 13343.  ©Reg Cartwright.

'If you live in your imagination, the white sheet of paper is not a threat.'


'For two whole nights he slept and dreamed and sneezed and coughed' from: Ann and Reg Cartwright, The Proud and Fearless Lion, (Hutchinson, 1986), p. 10, SCM 13343.  ©Reg Cartwright.


'Through the deepest darkest part of the jungle, where no flowers grew' from: Ann and Reg Cartwright, The Proud and Fearless Lion, (Hutchinson, 1986), p. 18, SCM 13343.  ©Reg Cartwright.

'The important thing is to be honest with yourself, so that the work is your own … You find the colours and forms that reflect your own feelings about a subject.  It’s as if you are building a library in your head of what works and what doesn’t, so you evolve, and your work does too.  With illustration, you are telling a story.  But art comes from within you.  You have to maintain your own integrity, otherwise all you’d get would be a mixed salad of different ideas.'*

'If you live in your imagination, the white sheet of paper is not a threat.'**

*Reg Cartwright talking to Joan Stephens from: ‘The Story Evolves’ in Leicestershire and Rutland Life, (October 2009), p. 121, RAC/13

**Reg Cartwright talking to Steve Thomas-Emberson from, ‘Happy Endings’ in The Artist, (January 1997), p. 25, RAC/13